Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Race Car

Ladies & Gentlemen start your engines...


You better watch your back Danica!

Great race! Now where's my celebratory milk?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cookie Monster

Probably not the best idea to give Natalie an Oreo right after bath time...I may have to rethink the placement of a snack in our night time routine!!

Cheer Squad

Well football season is finally here again which means Natalie will be sporting a ND cheerleader outfit most Saturdays. While her team didn't pull off a win against Michigan (Go Blue!) we are hoping the outcome will be different this weekend because Jack will be at the game. Either way she looked adorable and had fun cheering!

Three Peas in a Pod

Natalie loves spending time with her two BFFs Lily & Reese! It's so nice to have such good friends that live right down the street!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Holiday Park

To take full advantage of our day off we had a fun-filled morning at Holiday Park. Natalie spent some time on the play scape where she loved going down the slide and climbing through tunnels. Then we took a hike though the nature trials. Natalie was a little trooper. We ended up walking for about 20 minutes and she did great. Last we spent some time in the nature center where she loved to watch the turtles swim and hiss at the snakes (YUCK). I'll take times like this over work any day!


Natalie loves Max & Ruby so when we found a Max beanie baby in Las Vegas of course I had to buy it. She was so excited as you can tell by her face!

Happy Anniversary!

Jack and I had a great time celebrating our anniversary in Las Vegas! Cheers to 5 years!